Femme RisingABOUT

Femme Rising is a conduit for you remember and reactivate your inner power source - your SHAKTI aka - your FEMININE LIFE FORCE.

SHAKTI is like an inner ignition switch that under rides your every experience of life.  

She affects everything from our ability to be ourselves and express ourselves fully (physically, emotionally, cyclically, sensually, sexually), to how we embodied and confident we are in sharing our unique expressions and gifts with the world. 

Physically and tangibly, this activating SHAKTI affects neurotransmitter activation, neural activity, hormonal production and sensory processing. All of these cellular aspects contribute to our personal and unique FREQUENCY.

From a physiological standpoint, SHAKTI in the Tantric Tradition is a bundle of nerves that lives on the posterior side of the cervix in women (and in the perineum in men). But she is so many other things as well. In your body, she is the seat of your personal and feminine power.  

Within the cosmos, she is the electromagnetic source of all life — as well as the thrumming sensual impulse that allows us to live in relationship with the quantum field.

When Shakti awakens in your body, a myriad of physiological processes activate as it flows through the spine and nervous system, carrying sensation and neural impulses. As women, awakening our Shakti is what allows us to tap into our reservoir of feminine potential.  

She's an inherent energy force that lives within us all, but over the course of the past few thousand years, we’ve personally and societally become so disconnected from the frequency that lives in our hips that the neural and electrical impulses that would otherwise fire aren’t activated and so Shakti goes dormant.

The good news is, by healing and re-activating parts of the body long shut down using physical movement & internal processes (like OYoga) and external electro-magnetic support (by using a personalized micro current device like Healy) we are literally able to TURN SHAKTI BACK ON.

Activated Shakti has very physically tangible results in women’s bodies and lives: eyes get brighter, weight falls off, sensation returns, pleasure becomes embodied, confidence is born, boundaries get stronger, self awareness blossoms, skin glows, empowerment arises.

The true magic happens when the electricity running through your system is not only activated, but b a l a n c e d .

It’s Femme Rising’s mission to give women the practical tools they need to feel safe and confident in reclaiming the SENSUAL, CYCLICAL and INNATE FREQUENCY BASED WISDOM that lives within — so that they can live healthy, embodied thriving lives in bodies they love.

As each women gains the tools to reclaim her body and RISE INTO HER FULL FEMININE FREQUENCY, she creates a ripple effect, inviting every living being she interacts with to rise with her … this is Femme Rising.

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shakti is intrinsic. We all have it and are of it ... but most of us have Shakti sleeping as a dormant potential energy, so we have to learn how to awaken and attune ourselves to activate it

Shakti transcends gender, but in women, lives at the base of the spine on the posterior side of the cervix.

In the Tantric histories, Shakti is the Source of all Creation.

In your body, she is the electromagnetic force of kundalini that awakens your consciousness and activates your cellular structure.

When Shakti is awakened and turned on within you, you become a magnet and literally radiate life force energy.

Regardless of you look (glowing) PEOPLE BEGIN TO FEEL YOU.

Opportunities and experiences arise, simply because you are you, living in your activated and expressed electromagnetic potential.

This is what Awakening Shakti is all about, and this is the power Femme Rising seeks to reactivate within you.

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Hello Beautiful!

I’m Ashly, and I created Femme Rising specifically as a resource to guide you back to yourself.  To all the parts of yourself, to reclaim your body and activate your feminine frequency, to live from a place of connection, power and purpose — by feeling comfortable, at home and ALIVE in your body!

After working for 10 years as Women's Health Coach + Holistic Nutritionist, specializing in Body Image and BioIndividual Nutrition, I learned a lot about women.  

I learned that what they think they want is often different than what they actually need.  In my coaching practice I started to see a theme, that these women weren’t just looking to lose weight or experience more health: they wanted to connect to a confidence that could only be sourced from true feminine embodiment.

There was a deep readiness to access the very feminine core of what made them women. 

These clients truly taught me so much. In accessing resources for them to discover deeper embodiment, I began the journey of studying with my teacher Psalm Isadora — and experienced my own sensual and feminine awakening — which led me to the truly epidemic discovery of how many women were living numbed out, disconnected and shameful lives.

Thus, in 2013, the FEMME RISING mission was born!

FR was created for modern women could access the ancient yogic teachings of SHAKTI, while also learning how to honor and express their own unique sensual and cyclical nature.

FR is unique in that we don’t just teach sensuality, Tantra or yoga. We don’t just teach about cycle syncing or feminine embodiment. Nor do we just offer coaching on how to embody what healthy means to you.

We know that coming home to feeling at home in your body, and truly feeling confident in who you are as a woman is a multifaceted experience. It is physical and energetic experience rooted in subconscious layers of our being … and thats why FR offers different entry points into what you are ready to access along your unique journey.

Every woman’s experience with sensuality and embodying confidence is unique. Just like her experience of awakening Shakti is unique.

At FR we know that there is no one size fits all when it comes to being your best self & accessing what makes you come fully alive.

We have so many experiences woven and imprinted into our bodies and psyches from girlhood into womanhood … and having a variety of resources that allow your body’s natural intelligence to take over is nothing short of spectacular and transformative! Witnessing the transformation in women literally gets me every time 🥹

Because you can only think yourself so far.  Your body is the way IN. 
Your body, your senses, your nervous system and subconscious programming are literally the ignition switch to living a confident, empowered and feminine life.  

The only question is ... are you ready to live a turned on life?  If your answer is HELL YES, it's my honor to support you in that.  If you're ready to get started, CLICK HERE to learn more.  Thank you for being here, I can't wait to meet you!


ashly is a registered yoga teacher (RYT) and women's sensuality coach, who teaches women how to access & activate their unique sensual intelligence

Initially a Certified Prana Vinyasa Evolutionary Teacher (as taught by Shiva Rea), Ashly was later initiated into the ancient Shakta Tantra teachings of Sri Vidya and a lead trainer for her late teacher, world renowned Tantra Expert, Psalm Isadora in OYoga, Kundalini Tantra and Primal Core Yoga.

In 2013, after her own sensual and feminine awakening, she founded FEMME RISING to help women heal the physical, emotional and energetic layers that keep them from living deeply confident and joyful feminine lives — in bodies they love.

She teaches classes in person & online, hosts programs, workshops and retreats, has experience teaching on stage at large events and is a featured guest speaker, personal coach and featured facilitator for other coaches and entrepreneurs.

Because there are many paths to each woman’s unique experience of feminine embodiment, Ashly offers a variety of ways to access your own feminine & electromagnetic nature: Tantric philosophy, cycle syncing, OYoga, breathwork and the personal frequency device called HEALY.

“ashly’s expertise and embodiment creates a palpable resonance in the room

more than that, there is a tangible vibe and level of trust between her and her students, making her an invaluable source of transmission for these teachings”

— Psalm Isadora