There's this common human theme, where we have a dream and work towards what we think we want, only to get it and realize it's not actually what we want.
Some find this to be a defeat ... they think of all the time or money or opportunity that was lost to what they thought was their dream.
To dream deeply and let it fill you with desire and action ... until one day, you wake up, ready to begin dreaming a different dream.
But we aren't culturally conditioned to be aware of, let alone nurture the dream seeds that sprout into different dreams. We are taught to hustle. To rise and grind. That if we work hard, our dreams will come true. But dreams don't always work that way. Sometimes they take patience, practice and perfect timing … And, sometimes they shatter completely, serving as a force to shake and wake us up.
The latter is what's been happening in the midst of the eclipse sandwich we've found ourselves in this month (from the Virgo New Moon / Solar Eclipse to the Pisces Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse that hits today) ... WE HAVE BEEN GETTING SHAKEN AWAKE.
Eclipses are polarizing portals that usually shake our foundations a bit - and for good reason - because sometimes we need to change our course, but because of our stubborn human-mindedness, we try to stay comfortable and ride out the storm. But this cosmic storm is not meant to be ridden out. This storm is meant to rip you apart - in the most divine way.
Pair all that eclipse business with a Full Moon in Pisces, and we are DEEP in the unknown, subconscious realm, the space in between dreams. The watery element of the feminine is mystic and like dreams, she doesn’t always want to reveal her meaning.
What you need to know is that there are unseen forces at work … all in service of your dreams. YOUR dreams. Not the dreams you think you should be dreaming but the dreams your soul longs for you to dream, the hidden dream seeds that desire to sprout.
The thing is - most of us avoid acknowledging and living these dreams, because following them is terrifying. Anyone who has followed the longing of their heart knows, the unknown can be a fucking terrifying place. The voice inside says, “what if I fail, what if I fall, what if I’m a fool?”
Well … so what?
All of those things are possible … but you must know, we all fail. We all fall. We all feel like fools. And this storm wants you to fail. This storm wants you to fall. This storm wants you to be a fool.
Since we’re on the topic, let’s talk more about fools. The Fool is one of my favorite cards in the Tarot because it’s about new beginnings, spontaneity and innocence ... and that's the magic hidden in this moon.
This is the description of The Fool from Kim Krans, creator of The Wild Unknown Tarot:
“The fool is ready to fly. His young wings ache for the flight and with a single step he leaves behind the comfort of the nest to begin the journey. Is he ready? Will he fall? This card is about beginnings. It points to the side of you that is naive, excited, spontaneous, and inexperienced. Others may doubt your abilities. Be ready to be called “the fool”. Be ready to fall. No matter what people say about you, this is your journey … and it’s already begun.”
This is your journey and with all the chaos of the eclipses and this Full Moon, you have a choice. Will you lick the razors edge and dance with the danger of your dreams? Or will you try to cling to your comfort?
Dreams give us insight and awareness into who we are, what we want, what we have to offer and how we want to spend our precious time creating lives that give us meaning.
But dreams are like dominos, they live in a space of fluidity ... and as we evolve, they evolve ... knocking into one another flowing through the waking reality of our lives.
It takes courage to dream and courage to know when you’ve outlived one.
Full moons are times of fulfillment. A time to reflect on what has transpired over the past month, or generally, what has led you over the course of your life to become who you are.
Let the light of this moon illuminate the dual nature of your dreams. What they have been, who you have been … and let yourself recalibrate to realize WHO you are now and what dreams will support your journey.
As Joseph Campbell says ... “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek" ... so cozy up to your fear, see what it has to tell you. Is it keeping you from your dreams or pointing you towards them??
And ... yes these are trying times, but reach into your curious heart and lighten it up. Let it be playful. How is the divine dunking you? What waves is she throwing your way?
Keep courage in your heart and remember, all endings are just new beginnings in disguise.
Eclipses aren't easy, but they are revealing and revolutionary if you allow them to be. Here’s to licking the razor’s edge with a courageous and curious heart,
“I’ve been terrified every day of my life and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.” Georgia O’Keefe