Aquarius is home to the change agent, the heart of the visionary ... but being a visionary takes courage because the vision is often met with strong resistance.
If we look at one of the greats of our time, Tesla, he was ridiculed for his technologies, many of which, if implemented could have kept us from entering into the dangerous age of destruction and climate change.
But his intellect and vision was born too early, so he wasn't respected or understood during his lifetime, but that didn't keep him from creating from the fire of his heart.
Because the visionary knows the challenge and fosters the vision regardless of resistance. That is what makes them a visionary. They see the vision and they fight for it, even though others can’t see it or understand it.
This is the power of a vision. A vision is a vision because it hasn’t happened yet.
It is what something is envisioned to be.
I work with the Runes, an ancient Nordic system of divination, and one of the elements referring to Karma is: that which is (past), that which is becoming (present), and that which should be (future).
That which "should be" is also referred to that which is becoming.
This is the energy we have to wok with right now; that which is becoming.
On this Moon, allow yourself to sit with your visions. Sit with that which is becoming within you.
Sit with the visions you have for yourself, your community and your world.
The visionary knows others might not understand the vision (and they might not even understand it yet fully themselves) but that doesn’t keep them from fighting towards it anyway. So be okay with the known and unknown within you now.
On this New Moon, there are a few things I know. One of them, is that the heart of humanity is good. The heart of humanity wants to live consciously and in right alignment with each another and the Earth.
When we look at the current state of affairs, we see hate and greed that seeks to suppress women’s bodies, pit us against one another to keep us divided instead of united and to take advantage of, rather than responsibility for the Earth.
And yet, THE VISION so many of us carry, that of which is becoming, is one of justice and equality for all, not just some. It is an inclusionary future, one in which we take collective responsibility for one another and the planet.
And these visions have seeds planted deep within us.
For some, the seed has just been planted. For others, it is beginning to sprout. Just like wildflowers, these visions will sprout in our own unique expressions in our own unique ways in our own unique timing.
Some of these visions will be tended to within homes, raising conscious children that honor our shared humanity and stand up for whats right. Some of these visions will be nurtured on the corporate level, with equality stemming from within institutions, not because of requirement but desire. Some of these visions will grow through activism and political action. Some of these visions will happen cellularly within your own body and soul.
The important thing to remember is that when it comes to the vision, is that it hasn’t happened yet. We are seeing new possibilities. Creating a new way of being through that which is becoming.
What becomes takes time. Visions take time to come grow into fruition.
Right now, the collective vision is chaotic but clear. We are being shown what is drastically broken, what we won’t stand for and we are each beginning to truly understand what our role in the collective story will be.
And that which is becoming within you is a key part of how the story unfolds. Because in the vision of our collective story, we are all central characters. Which means YOU are a central character.
We need you in this war. We need your vision. We need your gifts. We need your story. Most of all, we need you in your power.
Your work on this Moon is to sit with the barriers you have within yourself that keep you from your power.
What keeps you from seeing and living into your visions?
Because on a deeper level, this Moon is another wake up call to do the work.
To do the work to live the vision.
To start on the inside, to heal and love your messy edges, to embrace your imperfection and see yourself as a vital role within the whole of humanity (because you are).
To clarify what you care about.
To get real with the inner work you need to do.
To heal your body image, your relationship with food, your sexuality, your insecurity, your consciousness, your source of lack or malnourishment (if you're ready for this specifically, CLICK HERE to learn more about one of my programs, UNLEASHED).
To find the places that keep you from your power and to find the places that ignite you to step into (and stay in) your power.
Allow the energy of the known and unknown forces at work right now to catalyze within you.
Find what moves you. What shakes you to your core. What keeps you up at night. What weighs on your heart.
Because there literally isn’t time to avoid the work now.
This is the time.
So use this time to find out what matters to you. Educate yourself.
Find resources and outlets that resonate with you and stay informed about the current state of affairs.
Know the truth. Fight for what’s right.
Heal your relationship with yourself so that you can step into your bigger work in the world.
Don’t let ideas of imperfection or lack of readiness get in the way, because you are perfect and you are ready and it is time.
If it feels heavy, remember to stay in alignment with the people and resources that keep it real but let hope guide the way. Keep your consciousness clean.
Because we can’t fight negativity with negativity. We can’t fight hate with hate or fear with fear.
You know the Rumi quote, your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it?
Well Rumi knew what was up. This Moon says start inside yourself and let it spread.
Because this fight will be fought and won with love.
And how we win is up to you and me and all of us knowing what we believe in and being brave enough to tend to the vision and foster it into fruition.
As Essa says in the song Breakthrough on the FR NEW MOON PLAYLIST, all the darkness in the world can’t block out the light of just one small candle. So burn as bright as you can do.
Let this Full Moon be your flame.
Together, we’ll burn the darkness down.
This is the vision.
Get your FR NEW MOON PLAYLIST here or by clicking below.
Burn bright,
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