This Cancer Full Moon asks us to dive head first into what we feel.  To rest in the undercurrent of what is BEing expressed in this moment, right here / right now. 

But we are taught not to BE.

And so, so often, the portals of discovery that life offers through BEING present are passed over.

This Moon asks you not to deny the being under what you feel right now.  Whether it’s a breakdown or a breakthrough (and it’s probably a breakdown), she asks you to please BE here.  Stay here.  Rest here.  To FEEL THIS.

Whatever it is: to let it BE felt, processed, realized, released, reprogrammed, loved, alchemized, healed, known, accepted.

To let it be felt.  Without judgement.  To let yourself FEEL. 

If you’re diving into some deep, dark waters, it’s okay.  This Moon here to catch you (and keep you) under the surface.  To pull you down deeper.  To give you the courage to feel what’s real for you.

To learn from what the emotion in your body and psyche is trying to tell you.  

Emotions are just energy in motion … and this energy is an entry point.  

But so many of us are so busy rushing around, creating “resolutions” and pushing further into the future, that we deny the portals an opportunity to open.

Your body and your BEING are the portal ... and this Moon provides an entry point into the undercurrent of your truth.


Who are you?  What do you feel?  What do you want?  What is real for you?

If you have the courage to cast off the shackles of what society tells you you should want, who you should be …. what do you really want, who do you really want to be?

This Moon doesn’t want any of it to be swept under the rug.  This Moon wants you to look yourself (not your ego) in the eye and to REALIGN with what matters.

If you’ve made goals, resolutions, intentions … ask yourself WHY?  Why do you really want what you want?  

(And just so you know, you have permission to change your mind, not to know, to look a fool … so if you don’t know the answers yet, don’t force them.  
Currents are chaotic.  If you’re just struggling to push yourself to the surface, it’s okay.  Catch your breath.  BE with it if this is where you are supposed to be).

But if your head is above water, if you’re feel like you know what you’re floating towards, then this deeply feeling Cancer Full Moon wants to know HOW YOU FEEL and wants you to use that as an entry point for figuring out HOW YOU WANT TO FEEL from here.

Remember, you are the portal.  Your insight and the awareness is the soil for you to grow from ... so, where are you now - vs - where do you want to be?

Both of those questions require feeling.  That’s what this Moon is about, feeling your way into BEING.

As Danielle LaPorte teaches, at the core of everything we desire is a feeling.  And at the whole point is to feel good.

We want to be strong, lose weight, get a better job, find a man, get a new house all because of the feelings that are associated with those things.  It’s not about the things themselves.  It’s because something about those things will make us feel good.

So this Moon says, get real with how you feel / deal with what needs to be dealt with and REPROGRAM your goals so you can FEEL GOOD on the way to getting the goal.

The more time you let yourself sit with what needs to be seen / felt / expressed with the awareness revealed from this Moon, the more fully you can move into action when the time is right.

If when you ask yourself WHY you want what you want, and feeling good isn’t at the core of it, then why do you want it?

We get so caught up in external structures (that aren’t even real, but that’s another story for another day) that we lose sight of the TRUTH of WHO WE ARE and what we REALLY WANT to do with our precious, limited time on this planet.  The truth is, we are running out of time.  Earth needs all hearts on deck, most of all yours.

And so, your soul wants to know, what are you chasing?  Is it really worth it?

If it is, then by all means, go for it.  

But if it’s not, if it’s selling yourself short or selling yourself out, let this Moon reveal the truth to you.

Because yes, it might be uncomfortable. It might be painful.  It might be vulnerable.

It could be all those things.  But it could also be none of them.

… Underneath it all ... what if it didn’t matter and you just let it BE what ever it was supposed to be?

Don’t let the fervor of the “New Year” sweep you into more distraction and as Oprah says, don't hold yourself hostage to who you used to be. 

Life is always a series of beginnings.   You will have plenty of time to begin and to begin again (and again and again and again) when you are clear on how you want to feel.

I’ve personally been crawling into 2017 and I know a lot of other people have been too.  Right now, when I sit with where I’m at and how I feel, my answers are messy.  They aren’t logical.  My answers lead me towards people and places instead of goals.  My feelings say follow what feels free, but I don’t know what that means yet.  It’s uncomfortable.  My consciousness can’t quite wrap it’s head around the bigger energy alchemy at work … and I know that even though it’s not easy that it’s okay … because I know that this Feminine Watery Moon wants me to ride the current a little longer.  

In these moments, I really have to b r e a t h e and remind myself that life isn’t a race, it isn’t a rush to the finish line.  Real life (the best of it) is what happens in between, on the way.  That my life doesn’t have look like anyone else’s, it just has to be the one I have the courage to live.

So, if you’re in it deep: keep going … you can do it … you’re not alone.  

With big + messy love,


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If you’ve swam through the current and you’re clear on how you feel then use your Core Desired Feelings as your North Star: 

1.  Set goals based in each area of your life based on how you want to FEEL (health, body, relationships, spirituality, creativity, career, etc).

Focus on what makes you feel good + get clear on ONE WORD that illuminates how you want to feel in each area of your life (use the dictionary, thesaurus, get REALLY clear on what the words mean for you, the more clear you are the more clarity you’ll have on how to implement them into your life).

2.  Start with the life you have, not the life you want.

Be realistic.  True change is created sustainably, not overnight.  Be realistic about your schedule, your life, the timeline, what you need to do make it happen.  Equally hold yourself accountable and embrace adjustments as necessary. 

3.  Start small.

The best way to make change stick is to start small.  Commit to chunks of time that work for you (whether it's 30 seconds or 30 minutes) and take baby steps during that chunk of time.  If you mess up or forget, then recommit and begin again, begin again and begin again.  And remember to do it because you want to do it ... it should feel good.

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I leave you with my top songs from 2016.  Over 5 hours of a little bit of everythin' ... if you like the FR playlists, then you don't want to miss this one :)

Ashly Wolf

Ashly is the creator of which seeks to uplift, inspire and educate women about their body, their sensuality, their femininity, their connection to spirit and to help them reclaim their powerful role as women within society. Ashly is also the founder of, where she coaches women on radical self love and guides them towards living a life filled with confidence and desire.